Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Concurrent Program Incompatibilities

How to add incompatibilities for concurrent program :
1. Navigate to system Administrator Responsibility.  
Concurrent -> Program -> Define
2. Query concurrent program to which you want to add incompatibilities.

3. click on "Incompatibilities" button from bottom of screen, it will open new form to add incompatible program or set to this concurrent program.

 4. We can add or remove incompatible program list for our concurrent program using this screen.
 suppose i want to add same program as incompatible program to "Invoice Print Preview Report" program. simply we need to add one more line with program details. we can select value for scope as "Set" or "Program".

5. There are two types of program incompatibilities, “Global” incompatibilities, and “Domain” incompatibilities. You can define a concurrent program to be globally incompatible with another program that is, the two programs cannot be run simultaneously at all; or you can define a concurrent program to be incompatible with another program in a Conflict Domain. Conflict domains are abstract representations of groups of data. They can correspond to other group identifiers, such as sets of books, or they can be arbitrary.

6. Post all changes kindly save record. After this changes when you submit this concurrent program request it will show concurrent program phase as "Pending" and status as "Standby" until if any compatible program to our concurrent program is in "Running" phase. Our program will Run after all the compatible program we defined in Incompatibilities screen are in Phase "Completed".

Query to find Incompatible Program List:

SELECT distinct fat.application_id,
                DECODE(TO_RUN_TYPE, 'S', 'Set', 'Program') TYPE,
                DECODE(INCOMPATIBILITY_TYPE, 'G', 'Global', 'Domain') "Incompatibilty Type"
       FND_APPLICATION_TL            fat
 WHERE fcps.RUNNING_APPLICATION_ID = fat.application_id
   AND fcpt.LANGUAGE = 'US'
   AND fat.LANGUAGE = 'US'
--AND fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name like  '%Trial Balance%'
 ORDER BY 1, 2;

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