Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Solution for error "fdlget failed due to ORA-24345 : A Truncation or Null fetch error occurs" for Table Type value set.

Solution for error "fdlget failed due to ORA-24345 : A Truncation or Null fetch error occurs" for Table Type value set.

Suppose you define one concurrent program say "Custom Trial Balance Report".
For this program you have three parameter as below given.
a) Ledger Name
b) Period Name
c) Cost Center

While defining value set for Ledger name suppose you set its Maximum size as 20.

And same value set you attached to you concurrent program. While running concurrent program when you try to get value for Ledger Name parameter it may be give you above screenshot error. if it exist ledger name with size greater than 20.


Kindly change your value set Maximum size to exact size for table column width.
in this case GL_LEDGERS.NAME column size is 30 char.

Once you made changes to value set. Kindly save the changes and try to run concurrent program.
Now you can see error for value set is resolved.

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